Every once in awhile someone leaves a comment...and it just needs a whole blog for a reply. Last week was such a case. Here's the comment:
Blogger emmy said...
(Martha talking!)We were so glad you could go! I am a little surprised that there was no mention on On The Border! You and I practically inhaled the chips and salsa! It was fun!
February 27, 2009 6:43 PM
If you were to ask Kyle or me what we miss most about Texas, not including family or friends, our reply would be the trees. haha kidding...it would be TEX-MEX!!! We dearly love it. Bob and Martha feel the same way. Martha and I are a little dramatic when we get it...hence the inhaling of the chips and salsa.
I was so excited to discover an On the Border in the Atlanta area during my online search a few days before going. In fact, I was already writing up a blog for it in my head before leaving. I wanted something witty...fun...to declare my love. Something that would help everyone understand that Tex-Mex is God's chosen food. So I thought of manna. I began to come up with an acronym. All I got was:
Mex Always Never Never Authentic.
It was lame. I had double negatives. And I technically needed Tex in there. So I was mad and realized I couldn't convey how heavenly it was to eat there.
That is why I didn't mention it. :)
In case anyone is wondering...the holy of holies in the tex-mex circle is still:
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Blog Comments
Posted by
emily and kyle
11:06 PM
Thursday, February 26, 2009
I made my first trip to Georgia this past week!
Kyle, me, Bob, Martha, Doug, Vange, Dan, and Carolyn had an awesome opportunity to attend the Churchplanters.com Conference. Thanks, Bob, for taking us with you!!
The conference was great. I learned the following things:
- Our leadership team is already on track with a lot of good things
- Bob is an awesome pastor...his heart and the time he has put into LifePoint was
affirmed for me throughout the conference
- Cool ideas to apply to the youth to connect
- I plan to much and need to put more of my heart in
- Kyle and I are here for something BIG
- The 65,000 unchurched people in this area better get ready
The conference made me excited, focused, and motivated! It took me through a different perspective and I am ready to see the revolution at LifePoint!
And of course...crazy memories must be made!
I originally wasn't going but ended up being able to a couple of weeks out...so we were a little packed into the van. Our first morning Doug decided to ride in the back storage area....and eat his cereal.
For lunch, Bob took us to this Ferguson's Meat Market. It was A-MAZING!!!! For $3.99 we got a ton of awesome food! It's one of those places only the locals know about...thank goodness Bob has been spending some time in Georgia! Since it is a grocery mart and no tables...we just hung out in the van!
(apparently mine had some drugs or something in it)
Posted by
emily and kyle
8:24 PM
Sunday, February 22, 2009
This blog is dedicated to our Nan, Doralene "Doshie" Parker.
Many of you know that Kyle and I spent the last two weekends in Oklahoma. In mid-January we found out that Mike's mom had been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and was given 6-8 weeks. Kyle and I were able to visit her 2 weekends ago. The next Tuesday morning (Feb. 10th) she passed away. We headed back down Wednesday after I got out of school and celebrated her life Friday.
I never could have fathomed the impact that someone could have on my life in 4 years. The love, compassion, and welcoming heart that Nan possessed is indescribable. She has battled cancer off and on since 1996. Her faith and strength has taught me so much about walking through the valleys. We are able to rejoice in the fact we know she is in a better place and her suffering is over.
On our drive home from our first visit all I could think about was something Bob spoke about several weeks ago at church. It was about that common phrase we hear during such times:
"God will never give you more than you can handle."
It provides comfort, but it is not in the Bible. God's Word promises to not tempt us beyond what we can handle. But, at times He does give us more than we can handle. Such times allow us to grow in incredible new ways, relying fully on Him, placing all our trust in His plan, and gaining strength from Him to deal with things we cannot on our own. God's plan is much bigger than just our growth, but it is an added bonus.
Seeing Nan that first weekend was one of the most difficult things I've done in a long time. And I know it was even harder on Kyle and his side of the family since they have known her their whole lives. It was definitely more than we could handle on our own strength. Nan's battle was definitely more than she could handle on her own strength. Even though I would much rather have Nan here with us, I am grateful in hindsight for getting to witness Nan and her family find their strength in God. I am grateful for the experience to grow in my own understanding of what it means to truly depend on God.
I am also grateful for my family, immediate and extended, and the realization that they have all learned dependency on God in similar situations, through the passing on of my aunts, cousin, and grandparents and their battles with cancer, diabetes, heart issues, Parkinson's, and strokes.
God is good.
Thanks Nan. For making me a part of your family. For teaching me more about faith. For introducing me to chocolate gravy. For calling me Emmy. For loving me as your own. I hope you and Pa are enjoying a nice jog before school! (haha...a little laugh for the fam)
Valinda, Nan, Me, and Misty in Vegas last summer.
Posted by
emily and kyle
12:32 AM
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Cinema Church
Last Sunday the announcement was made:
That's right...LifePoint is going to start meeting at the movies! It's going to be hard work, but the results are going to be worth every bit of it! This move has not been a spur of the moment decision...our leaders have put a lot of thought, discussion, and prayer into this decision. Bob has done tons of research. This move is going to help us solve some space issues. And it is going to be super duper cool!
We also launched a spiritual and stewardship initiative called REVOLUTION. Bob is encouraging us to spend 40 days in prayer, scripture, and fasting to discover how God desires us to be involved. (of our time, talents, and treasures) I'm excited to see how God will push Kyle and me in our faith. God's plans and desires for our life are so much greater than we can fathom!
A special shout-out to Steve Walton. This man will do absolutely anything...I mean ANYTHING. He works as hard as anyone I've ever met. His servant-heart has blessed the people of LifePoint. Here is handing out tickets on Sunday:
And Brooke got to come hang out for the weekend. Great times!
Posted by
emily and kyle
11:01 PM