I feel a deep, insightful blog coming on....ha....but for now here is what you get:
Kyle goes every Tuesday night on "Date Night" with some of the guys. It is Doug's (worship leader) night to deliver music for Sunday...and somehow he started picking up Dan (LifeGroup pastor) and they would go out to eat....and now Kyle and other random people join them weekly. You can read more about their dates on Doug's blog. (link to right) Anyhoo....we (the wives) like to give them a hard time about dating each other more than they date us, but in reality it is an awesome time for Kyle to build incredible relationships with the boys and I know he loves it! So I stole a picture from Doug's website to show you how happy it makes Kyle: (and Dan)
Meanwhile, I usually sit at home and watch HGTV or the Travel channel. Last time I watched the Travel channel it was showing the craziest thing I have ever seen.....a DRIVE-IN church. UNBELIEVABLE! Bob always mentions our fast-paced society and the fact that you can even get married in a drive though. HOLY COW..did you know you can get a "ticket to heaven" in a drive-up?!?!
I'm sure there are good things that happen...but I have a MAJOR hang up with this kind of thing. The people make up the church....not the building...or the parking lot...and I believe the fellowship, relationships, and work together are so vital!! Isn't some interaction necessary for healthy discipleship and personal growth? I don't think I like the idea of driving up, receiving a Word, and driving away. Oh and you can honk or flash your lights instead of saying Amen. Maybe there is more to the story than was shown. I did read online that the pastor greets them through their windows as they drive out. It seems so comical to me!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Date Night & Drive-In Church
Posted by
emily and kyle
8:13 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
So here's the deal....this post is simply here for me to vent...and you to feel sorry for me.
School has been crazy the past several days! Last Thursday & Friday I basically had no voice. Especially on Friday morning when I was simply a whisper. It was quite interesting. Luckily I gave a test on Friday and I had a Title I teacher in my room for the morning.
We didn't have school yesterday. BUT today we show up....and there is NO heat and there are flurries in the air!!! Apparently a pipe froze & busted over the weekend so our heat went out. It has been FREEZING!! Luckily it is fixed now and at least our rooms are warm. The thing that really irritates me is that had they caught it earlier they would've cancelled school. Jerks. Meanwhile, I'm just giving out worksheets and doing my own thing (like typing a blog) and sort of taking the day off.
OH..and one other thing. This is basically to TOMMY MILLER. My blog is NOT to be used for trash talking. Especially when the talk is directed towards me. I WILL send my people to whoop you.
Posted by
emily and kyle
11:12 AM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Youth Happenings
So brief, belated updated of Christmas. We had a GREAT time in Texas!!! It was sooooo wonderful to spend an entire week with the families! PLUS I got to eat at Chicken Express, Leal's, Tokyos, AND El Camino. And we were way too spoiled as usual.
Our kitchen is now fully tiled....a picture to come soon once we get the trim all put back in. It looks awesome!! Kyle, Greg, and Doug did a great job!!
Most importantly....Driven Student Ministries has fired up full force since school has started back. This past Wednesday Kyle kicked off the "All In" series with the students. It goes along with the "All In" series the church is doing. I am SUPER excited about the whole thing! Everything is related to poker and going all in and the parallels to our relationship with God. This week we talked about the fears that keep us from going all in...and man...it's worth a whole blog how this has been transforming my life!! The youth band made their first appearance on Wed. and rocked the house! Our JH kids seem so fired up every week...it's awesome!! We also started a high school Lifegroup at our house on Thursday nights and this week was the 2nd week. We had 8 HS students and 4 leaders here and we had a blast hanging out!! I love to see the excitement and drive in all of the JH and HS kids that are getting involved. My extended family will be happy to know that we played Cranium...and have broken it in quite well since we received it.
OHHHHHH...and I almost forgot. Kyle also made his singing debut at LifePoint last Sunday. Since we were talking about fears....and going all in....Kyle sang "Live Like You Were Dying" by Tim McGraw. He did awesome! Who knew he was a country singer?!
Checkout the All In promo video:
Posted by
emily and kyle
10:23 PM