Monday, February 4, 2008

Snow Day

West Texas isn't the only place that has crazy weather!!
Today it hit 75 degrees....and that is amazing considering last Thursday night we got 8 inches of snow and had a snow day Friday!!

It was soooo nice to sleep in! Kyle and I spent the entire day at the James' house. They happen to have 2 JH girls....and the 2 cutest boys ever....and live near another JH girl in our they always have other kids at their house. Kyle spent the entire afternoon towing the girls around the block behind his pickup. They had a blast!! We also went sledding down the side of an overpass that evening. I was scared...but I finally went with Kyle. It was fun! But I'm ok with just taking pictures. Of course, Dawson did ask me go to with him once....and he is wayyyyyyyyy too cute to turn down. So here are some pics from the day: (my camera doesn't do well with the dark & I don't do well with the fast I don't have many sledding pics)


Paul said...

Looks like a great day! I really like that snow hat you're wearing... where did you get it?

Anonymous said...

That looks like lots of fun and I think you did a good job on your pictures.
I'm still jealous that you got a snow day, but I don't even want one of those this year, just late starts because if AISD uses one, then our inclement weather days are on Sat. in May. I DO NOT ever want to go to school on Sat. and I sure the heck don't want to do it in May! :)
Hope you guys are staying well. Love you bunches and bunches and wish I could see you.

Brooke said...

Tubing down an overpass....hmm, that reminds me of a time in high school when you weren't supposed to be doing that and you did and somehow ended up hitting the car door and cutting your ear open....did you not learn you lesson then?? Haha...looks like y'all had a great time. The James' boys are sooooo precious, and the girls too. I'm jealous y'all got to play all day!