Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Sunday was an extra special day. Three of our youth made the decision to express their love and commitment to Jesus through baptism. It is always so exciting to witness such a celebration! This was a special day for Kyle, as well, because it was his first time to be the "dunker" and have the honor of experiencing such an incredible step with his youth!




My prayer for their spiritual journey is that they would truly understand that it is a journey. And that, as a church, we would always make the dominant understanding of our faith that of a journey and not a destination.

"One of the illusions of faith is that at some point we get it all mapped out and things get smooth and predictable. It is not true. The way of Jesus is a journey, not a destination. On a journey, the scenery changes. A lot. We can prepare for some things but not all. We make mistakes, figure it out as we go along, and try new things. Failures are really just opportunities to learn."
- Rob Bell, Velvet Elvis


Unknown said...

(martha) I totally agree that it was a very special day for LifePoint and especially those three youth! I know it was extra special for you and Kyle. We are so proud of you and Kyle and what you bring to LifePoint and all our teens. You guys are a great example of Christ and we are blessed to have you both. I am so glad we got to share in the celebration with you! Keep up the great stuff!

Laurie said...

I want to know where that pool is and I'll come let Kyle dunk me again!!!!! :)
I'm very proud of both of you and this is an outward sight of the work that God is doing through you and Kyle. I don't like you being so far away, but I see that this is where God wants you guys at this time.
Love you both and couldn't be prouder.

Paul said...

Good day! Good memories made. Good dunking technique. Way to go Kyle! We love you guys and celebrate with you God's work in and through you.

Brooke said...

Sounds like an awesome Sunday :) You and Kyle have been a true blessing to everyone at LifePoint and I have really enjoyed watching y'all grow as well as those around you. (On the funny side of things...what happened to the blow up pool)