Tuesday, November 6, 2007


So Doug (for the Texans..one of the leadership guys from LifePoint) angrily busted into the Robbins' house at the end of small group tonight and stole a piece of candy. SO...I called him on it and he angrily told me I needed to blog. So I am staying up a little late tonight to blog.

Bob has been doing a series over the Seven Deadly Sins at LifePoint. I have to be honest, this wasn't a series that really perked my interest too much to begin with. BUT, I think they have been some of the most life changing, good slaps in the face I have ever sat through. I thought this week anger would be a light, easy week for me. NOPE.
I would love to eventually blog some serious stuff about what I’ve learned through the series…but my head is mush right now so I’ll go with the light-hearted version of how I have experienced anger today.

Example 1: First fight in classroom. I actually sort of stopped it before it really got fun. It was brewing all morning. I warned everyone. Stupid JH girl stuff….and the sad thing is that they are normally best buds. Anyhoo…luckily their two friends grabbed them and kept them apart so I could get help. Angry people do crazy things.

Example 2: My sister has the audacity to call me and tell me that she is going to the Garth Brooks concert tomorrow. Unbelievable. Of course if you read her blog you will see some lame excuse about how I got to see him in JH and touch him…but seriously. I was in JH…I could appreciate it so much more now. Then I tell her that is what I want for my birthday (because she has been all on my back about that)…and she offers me some ridiculous theater ticket where I can watch him on a big screen. This is a trigger for me. I’m choosing to handle my anger appropriately. And envy has already been a sermon. So I’m SO happy for her.

Kyle whispered “too long” into my ear. Sorry Charlie. Maybe blogging more often would help this problem.


Doug said...

OK - The candy wan't an anger issue... that was greed! And it was good candy by the way.... I was sure you all would be having some tender moment or praying or something.... Guess I got lucky.... Later Gators

Doug said...

I'm so proud of your extra effort in blogging last night!!!

Paul said...

Regarding the anger stuff, God recently taught me some thing on the subject... check out this blog posting if you're interested...


Brooke said...

Well I was envious of you when you got to go in JH, but God gave me an opportunity to overcome this envy. I am no longer envious. Maybe greedy with my ONE ticket, but not envious. I have overcome so much with the opportunity to go to the concert. And it wasn't a lame an excuse, definitely a valid one. I sense a little sarcasm in the I am SO happy for me comment.